
Take a bitesize masterclass in birds. Learn something new today by browsing our growing library of articles on bird behaviour and biology.
Oil spill. MSR Photo
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Birds and pollution

Increasing human activity brings more pollution into the environment. This can take many forms and can affect birds in a number of ways, as Nina O'Hanlon explains.

Greenfinch and Chaffinch, Edmund Fellowes

Disease in birds

Disease can have serious implications for our wild bird populations, as Wildife Vets from the Zoological Society of London explain.

Lesser Black-backed Gull. Sam Whitfield

Gulls allowed?

Stories of rampaging ‘seagulls’ dominate column inches in the holiday season. Our BTO gull experts take a look at the facts behind the headlines.

Blue Tit in flight. Philip Croft

A Blue Tit diary

Hazel McCambridge walks through the diary of an average Blue Tit during the breeding season.

Tagged Lesser Black-backed Gull. Gary Clewley

Bird tracking

Phil Atkinson explains the technology behind tracking.

Whooper Swan. Sarah Kelman

Bird migration

Steve Portugal explains why and how birds undertake long and perilous migratory journeys.

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