Counter Resources

In order to make WeBS Counting as easy as possible, all counters receive a counter handbook when they begin taking part.  You can download all the resources we provide to counters here.

WeBS Counter Handbook 

The WeBS Counter Handbook contains all you need to know in order to carry out WeBS counts. It is divided into several sections. In the first section a general overview and background of WeBS is given. The second section describes the WeBS methodology and counting techniques to be used. The third section describes how to use WeBS Online or, if you prefer, how to complete a recording form. The fourth section is a glossary and the fifth sections describes which species should be counted and the BTO codes used for each of these species

Download part 1a:


WeBS T&Cs (PDF, 563.13 KB)
Download part 1:
Download part 2:
Download part 3: 
Download part 3a:
Download part 4:


Glossary (PDF, 383.35 KB)
Download part 5:
Download part 7: 

Throughout, counters should give due consideration to Health and Safety. View our Health and Safety information for volunteer fieldworkers.

WeBS Core Count Priority Dates

You can find the Core Count Priority Dates here.  If you are unable to count on these pre-set dates please choose a day as close to the Priority date as possible but please ensure there are at least three weeks between each count.

Online Tutorials

Video guides to WeBS Online can be found here.

WeBS Bird ID Video Guides

The BTO produce video guides for identifying species that might be confused, or are regularly seen in the same habitat. To view the guides that feature wetland species please click here

WeBS Count Recording Forms

Guide to the WeBS online 'Explore Data' facility

Download a

WeBS Office Contact Details (Counter Resources)

Gill Birtles (WeBS Counter Network Organiser)

WeBS Office
British Trust for Ornithology
The Nunnery, Thetford
Norfolk IP24 2PU

Tel. 01842 750050
Fax. 01842 750030

E-mail: webs [at]

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