Sponsor a Cuckoo - follow it to Africa and back

Sponsor a Cuckoo with a monthly Direct Debit

This is an exciting and ground-breaking project but we still need funds to complete all the work planned and continue paying for satellite data retrieval each month. You can play a vital part in making this project a success by sponsoring a Cuckoo.

Sponsor a Cuckoo

As a sponsor, you'll receive email updates on your Cuckoos progress, including when they arrive in Africa and return to the UK in spring. Note: This is all online, we do not send anything physical in the post. You can either:

  • Become a sponsor for as little as £2 a month via Direct Debit.
  • Or make a one-off donation. Scroll down this page and choose your Cuckoo from the pictures below to make a single donation of £10 or more.

Sponsoring for someone else 

If you wish to sponsor a Cuckoo  in the name of someone else, please email fundraising [at] bto.org with the sponsor's name and email address, once your payment has been made. We will then contact them to see if they are happy to receive the email updates. 

* excluding VAT.

Cuckoos seeking sponsors


Originally tagged in 2022, Bluey’s tag failed in Africa in July of the same year. He was recaught in 2023 and fitted with a new tag. Cuckoo sponsor Erin (6 yrs) chose the name Bluey after her favourite TV character who is brave, cheeky and full of energy – all traits needed in a Cuckoo. Bluey’s new tag was funded by Diana Housely, Stewart Brown and Ian Duncan.

Sponsor Bluey

Cuach Cores

Cuach Cores was named by the National Parks & Wildlife Service after a mountain in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Sponsor Cuach Cores

Cuach Torc

Cuach Torc was named by the National Parks and Wildlife Service after a mountain in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Sponsor Cuach Torc


George was named after tag funder Anne Master’s baby cousin.

Sponsor George


Named in honour of the tag sponsor’s late husband, Joe. The couple much enjoyed watching the Cuckoos’ arrival each spring near their home by the River Leach. Initially there would be several birds, but, as time went by there were fewer and fewer, which saddened them greatly.

Sponsor Joe


KP was named by Jenny and Tony in memory of Jenny’s late father Ken, who took a keen interest in their birding exploits and would have been fascinated by the satellite-tracking project.

Sponsor KP


Sayaan was named after Cuckoo funder Anne Master's new baby cousin. Sayaan is an old Saka name, Saka being the region of Siberia that his mum comes from, and it means “kind, generous and warm like the sun”.

Sponsor Sayaan


Trent was named by Severn Trent Water, which funded his tag.

Sponsor Trent

Thank you

Thank you for choosing to support our research.

Thanks also to the main funders: The BBC Wildlife Fund, those who supported the BTO Raffle 2010 and Essex & Suffolk Water who have supported the project.

Another way you can help is by becoming a BTO member. Membership subscriptions provide unrestricted income that helps to fund research projects like the cuckoo tracking project. Members receive regular updates on our survey and research work via our regular members magazine BTO News. Support our projects by becoming a member today and stay up-to-date with all our latest news.

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