Get involved

This is an exciting and ground-breaking project and you can play a vital part in making it a success.
JAC the Cuckoo

The longer this project can continue, the greater our understanding of the challenges faced by Cuckoos on migration. In order to continue and develop the project we need continued funds.

  • Each satellite tag costs £3,500
  • To retrieve satellite data costs £60 a month per Cuckoo

How you can help

Donate to the Cuckoo Tracking Project

Sponsor a Cuckoo

Thank you to all our funders who have so generously supported the project and enabled us to learn so much.

Other ways to support the work of the BTO

You can also support projects like this by becoming a BTO member today and you will be kept informed of our latest work.

You can keep up to date with news, project updates and events from BTO by signing up to our free monthly e-newsletter.

Thank you to our funders & sponsors

This project would not have been possible without the generous support it has received since it started in 2011.

Thank you to those who took part in the first BTO Annual Raffle in 2010/11.

The following organisations have given contributions of over £10,000 to cover some of the project costs.

BBC Wildlife Fund

Essex & Suffolk Water

The Sound Approach

Additional thanks 

The catching team comprised BTO staff: Chris Hewson and Phil Atkinson and volunteer BTO ringers: Paul Noakes and Justin Walker. Kasper Thorup and Mikkel Kristensen from the Natural History Museum of Denmark have kindly advised this project and assisted with the fieldwork. Raymond Klaassen from Lund University advised us when planning the project. Thanks to all the land owners who gave us permission to catch on their land and apologies if we didn't catch a Cuckoo - it can be challenging.

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