Data Reports
Get the best bird data to inform Ecological Impact Assessments
BTO Data Reports provide rigorous scientific information to inform fieldwork decisions and desk studies for Ecological Impact Assessment of potential development sites in the UK. Reports collate comprehensive and contemporary bird distribution and abundance data from BTO's high quality ornithological datasets to identify species associated with the site at different spatial scales, and to put these in wider contexts to identify key features.
BTO Data Reports offer a step-change in the information for consultants, their clients and planners. Previously, consultants have had to filter through extracts of thousands of raw records with little supporting information and no wider context. Now, using a GIS file of your site, a BTO Data Report will list all bird species present at or near your site in the breeding season and in winter.
The report will highlight evidence for species of conservation importance (e.g. Birds of Conservation Concern Red List) and those of statutory importance in the relevant country (e.g. Schedule 1, Schedule 1A Scotland). To further help identify important features, reports highlight species for which the site and vicinity account for a high proportion of local, regional, national or UK geographical range and population size.
BTO Data Reports provide unique insights into the bird community present in the vicinity of potential development sites, helping to guide the need for detailed field surveys and highlighting potential priorities for delivering habitat mitigation, enhancement and biodiversity net gain.
What you will get
discrete site
linear site
- Small sites spanning up to four 10-km squares = £200 +VAT
- Intermediate sites spanning five to ten 10-km squares = £400 +VAT
- Large sites spanning ten to twenty 10-km squares = £600 +VAT
- Very large sites spanning more than twenty 10-km squares = £POA
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