Current appeals

We are very lucky that so many people recognise the value of the work being undertaken by the BTO and its volunteers. 

Our appeals help to fund important research and projects and highlight the plight of many of our bird species.

Our current appeals

Find out more and make a donation on the pages below.

BTO Youth Appeal - Donate today.

BTO Youth Appeal

Young people are the future of BTO.
Donate to the Avian Influenza Appeal today, and help us protect vulnerable birds in the midst of a deadly outbreak.

BTO Avian Influenza Appeal

Avian influenza has devastated seabird colonies and now threatens our wintering migrant birds. Support our research - donate to our Avian Influenza Appeal today.
BTO Urban Appeal. Making space for birds

BTO Urban Appeal

You can make a difference. Donate to our Urban Appeal today.
Puffin. Sarah Kelman

Climate Change Appeal

Globally, up to 7% of birds are considered to be at risk of extinction due to climate change. Please donate today and you can support BTO’s work to collect and analyse data that highlights the real risk to UK birds.
Kittiwake. Richard Jackson

Our Lost Seabirds

The UK’s seabirds are struggling and they need our help to survive. BTO’s new campaign – Our Lost Seabirds – aims to turn the tide.
Chaffinch. Tom Streeter

Chaffinch Appeal

The UK breeding population of Chaffinch has fallen by a quarter in just five years - we urgently need your help to understand why.
Oystercatcher. Brais Seara @

Donate to support Operation Wader

Urgent action is needed to tackle the decline of breeding wader populations in the UK.

Spotted Flycatcher. Photograph by David Jefferson

Spotted Flycatcher Appeal

Help us pinpoint why Spotted Flycatchers are dying, and address the alarming declines that we have charted over the last 50 years.
Short-eared Owl. Photograph of Andy Howe

Short-eared Owl tracking Appeal

Short-eared Owls are declining. By funding further research we will be able to work towards securing their future.
Arctic Skua. Photograph by Moss Taylor

Tracking Arctic Skuas

Major crashes have occurred in the UK breeding population of Artic Skua. Help fund this project to pinpoint the reasons why, and create an action plan to help this iconic seabird.
Tawny Owl

BTO Owl Appeal

We urgently need your help to understand more about the ecology and population status of owls in the UK.

Thank you for your support.

View some of the past appeals which you have generously supported.

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