Ebay for BTO

Raise funds when you sell an item or add a donation
when you buy something.

If you use eBay to buy or sell items, you can now help raise funds for BTO through eBay for Charity!

Sell for BTO

When selling an item on eBay you can choose to give 10%-100% of the sale price to the BTO. (There is a £1 minimum donation per listing). 

BTO's charity page on eBay will show all listings that benefit our work. Every listing that benefits us includes our logo and mission statement, and helps to promote us and our work. Every listing is also marked with the charity ribbon, attracting extra customers.

Supporters who sell items for BTO also receive fee credits on the basic insertion and final value fees equal to the percentage you donate. So if you donate 50% of your selling price to a charity, eBay will waive 50% of your fees.

How it works

Manage your favourite charities under your
 'Account' tab.

You can choose (and manage) your favourite charities in the ‘My Favourite Charities’ page in your eBay Donation Account (See right; Choose 'Account' tab and then 'Donation account' from the menu.  You will then be taken to a page with a new menu which lists' My Favourite Charities' on the left. Once you have then added BTO you will see us (and any other charities) listed when you are buying and selling on eBay). 

When you list an item to sell, you will again see your favourite charities and can decide exactly what percentage of your final selling price you’d like to give to charity and what percentage you’d like for yourself.

If the item sells, the seller is paid and posts the item to the buyer. MissionFish collects the donation from the seller 3 weeks after the item sells, claims the Gift Aid, and passes the money on to BTO, making a small deduction to cover costs.

Find out more about selling on eBay for charity.

Buy an item and give at checkout

When paying via PayPal, eBay shoppers have the option to add a small donation to their eBay purchases, regardless of whether the item originally sold for charity. 

Shoppers can choose which charity they see in eBay checkout on the 'My Favourite Charities' page in their Donation Account, or opt to donate to a featured charity. You can add BTO as a Favourite by visiting your "About My Charity" page on eBay, and clicking the "Save as Favourite" button.

Donate through Paypal

You can even make donations through your paypal account. Every charity registered with MissionFish is eligible to receive donations from PayPal.

These include a 'Donate Now' tab on your 'About My Charity' page on eBay, an entry in the charity directory for relevant PayPal Mobile applications, and a page on the www.paypal-donations.co.uk  website. View our PayPal page.

These features allow anyone with a PayPal account to donate to a charity without buying or selling an item on eBay. MissionFish collects and distributes these donations and Gift Aid (where applicable) to the benefitting charity.

Your support will help us to look out for Britain's birds and inform their conservation in the future.

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