Become a WeBS Local Organiser

There are currently over 3,000 WeBS counters and these are marshalled by around 160 volunteer Local Organisers (LOs) who each have responsibility for a region. Regions can be either counties (or similar) or large complex sites - see map below. Areas around the UK that are currently in need of a new volunteer WeBS Local Organiser are detailed below. 

What do WeBS Local Organisers do?

Given the level of variation in the size and nature of LO regions, the role of a WeBS LO is similarly varied, with no two LOs having exactly the same job.  However, we do ask each of our Local Organisers to:

  • try to maintain, and where possible enhance, coverage of waterbodies within their region;
  • encourage counters to return their counts on time;
  • check counts in their region for possible errors;
  • be the first port of call for their counters who have a query about WeBS;
  • publicise WeBS in their local area as opportunities allow (e.g. asking for volunteers at bird club meetings, in local newsletters, etc).

For regions where coastal counts take place, we also ask our LOs to check the local high tide times and dates and set an alternative Core Count date if the pre-set date is unsuitable.

For more details about what is expected of our Local Organisers, you can download a copy of the

What skills and experience do WeBS Local Organisers need?

  • Good local knowledge
  • Organised
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to work to deadlines
  • Enthusiasm for the Scheme
  • Word Processing and e-mail skills
  • Elementary computer skills are useful, as WeBS data and counters are primarily managed through WeBS Online in most regions
  • Some involvement with local bird clubs would be advantageous but not essential

Local Organisers are provided with a comprehensive reference handbook explaining the role and offline and online procedures, are supported by the WeBS Counter Network Organiser, and are also encouraged to support each other through the Local Organiser forum.

Current Vacancies

Southern England

Buckinghamshire - South

An organiser is needed for south Buckinghamshire sites. Many sites are covered and vacant sectors include smaller sites which may be suitable for less experienced surveyors. We are looking for an organiser who can support existing counters and encourage new counters. 

Link to Buckinghamshire - South map of sites 

Number of vacant count sectors: 16

Total number of defined count sectors: 31

Cotswold Water Park - Wiltshire/ Gloucestershire

An organiser is needed for Cotswold Water Park in Wiltshire/ Gloucestershire. This is a large and sensitive region, so the organiser needs to be cooperative and diplomatic in order to work with and coordinate between several different landowners, as well as counters. There are a large number of sites, many of which are high priority, so we are looking for someone who is organised and approachable.

Link to Cotswold Water Park map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 93

Total number of defined count sectors: 208

Greater London (excl. Thames Estuary)

An organiser is needed for the Greater London region, which doesn't include the Thames Estuary. Many sites are covered so we are looking for an organiser who can support existing counters and identify new sites and encourage new counters. 

Link to Greater London (excl. Thames Estuary) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 49

Total number of defined count sectors: 109

Hertfordshire (excl. Lee Valley)

An organiser is needed for Hertfordshire, excludng the Lee Valley. Sites mainly include lakes and gravel pits but it is possible that new wetlands could be identified and set up as WeBS sites. There are a good number of counters in the region, so we are looking for an organiser who can support the existing counters and also find new counters who can plug the small number of gaps in the region.

Link to Hertfordshire (excl. Lee Valley) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 12

Total number of defined count sectors: 34

Kent –  West

An organiser or organisers are needed for Kent (excluding the north Kent estuaries, Sandwich and Dungeness which are organised separately). Vacant sectors include river stretches, ponds and small lakes which may be suitable for less experienced surveyors, so organisers who can reach and encourage new counters to get involved and assist with obtaining access from private landowners would be ideal.

Link to West Kent map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 28

Total number of defined count sectors: 34


Lincolnshire - South incl. Peterborough (inland)

An organiser is needed for south Lincolnshire sites. There are a variety of WeBS sites including fenland, rivers and gravel pits.  This is a smaller WeBS region, so doesn't neccessarily need a person with a wealth of experience to take on the role. Guidance and support is always given from the WeBS team, so someone who is organised and enthusiastic would be best for this role.

Link to Lincolnshire - South incl. Peterborough (inland) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 123

Total number of defined count sectors: 167

West Midlands

An organiser is needed for the West Midlands sites which focus around Birmingham, Coventry and the surrounding areas. The majority of the sites are urban, covering park lakes, quarries and sections of rivers and canals. Approx.  half the sites are covered so we are looking for an organiser who can support existing counters and encourage new counters. 

Link to West Midlands Map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 29

Total number of defined count sectors: 54

Northern England

Huddersfield/Halifax area (Yorkshire)

An organiser is needed for the Huddersfield/Halifax area. Although this region does not contain any major WeBS sites, it would be helpful to further improve coverage in the area even if remote sites are not counted every month, so we are looking for an organiser who can publicise these sites and support new and existing counters.

Link to the Huddersfield/Halifax map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 34

Total number of defined count sectors: 78

Harrogate and Yorkshire Dales (Yorkshire)

An organiser is needed for the Harrogate and Yorkshire Dales region. This is a large site, with lots of potential to build up a solid team of WeBS counters. A variety of habitats are covered including, reservoirs, ings, carrs and rivers which is a good range of habitats for beginner, intermediate and expert birders. Good organisational skills are needed to increase WeBS enagagement in the region.

Link to the Harrogate and Yorkshire Dales map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 86

Total number of defined count sectors: 142


Badenoch and Strathspey

The Badenoch and Strathspey region includes a small number of inland lochs. There is a high number of vacant sites in the region, so an organiser is needed who can recruit new counters, as well as oversee counts at these sites (note there may be scope to define new riverine and inland sites).

Link to Badenoch and Strathspey map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 22

Total number of defined count sectors: 33

Fife (inland)

An organiser is needed for the Fife inland sites. Habitats mainly include lochs and rivers and we require an enthusiastic Local Organiser who knows the area well and can recruit new volunteers in the region as well as support existing counters. 


Link to Fife (inland) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 44

Total number of defined count sectors: 99

Forth Estuary – North

An organiser is needed for Forth Estuary –North, which covers from Inverkeithing to Kingsbarns in Fife. High priority sites are located in this region, for which core count visits between counters will need to be coordinated with high tide times. Cooperation is also required between the other Local Organisers who coordinate the rest of the Forth Estuary.

Link to Forth Estuary - North map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 16

Total number of defined count sectors: 29

Isle of Cumbrae

The small Scottish island, Isle of Cumbrae, is in need of a Local Organiser who can support the existing counters and also increase WeBS activity in the region. This can be done by recruiting new volunteers and increasing the number and variety of sites on the island, as currently all the sites cover coastal habitats, so there is potential for inland sites to be set up.

Link to Isle of Cumbrae map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 96

Total number of defined count sectors: 156

Sutherland (excl. Moray Basin)

An organiser is needed for Sutherland (excluding Moray Basin which is organised separately). There are count sectors that are marked as vacant as they don’t have a monthly counter, but are currently covered once a winter by expeditions arranged by the RAF Ornithological Society. We are looking for an organiser who can further improve coverage in the area, ideally by obtaining monthly coverage for some more of the defined sites, and who can support local and visiting counters.

Link to Sutherland map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 167

Total number of defined count sectors:  179


Clwyd (coastal)

An organiser is needed for the Clwyd (coastal) region, where sites consist exclusively of coastal habitats. A Local Organiser with knowledge of the area would be ideal and who can support existing counters and advertise the vacant sectors for new volunteers to take on

Link to Clwyd (coastal) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 7

Number of vacant count sectors: 16

Clwyd (inland)

An organiser is needed for Clwyd (inland). Vacant sites include park lakes, ponds and reservoirs which may be suitable for less experienced surveyors. We are looking for an organiser who can support existing counters and encourage new counters.

Link to Clwyd (inland) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 20

Total number of defined count sectors: 29


A Local Organiser is needed for Montgomeryshire which is a large ranging region covering habitats such as canals, rivers and pools. There is potential to increase the number of counters as well as the number of sectors so we are looking for an organiser that can support existing counters and increase WeBS coverage in the region. 

Link to Montgomeryshire map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 24

Total number of defined count sectors: 53

West Glamorgan

An organiser is needed for the West Glamorgan WeBS region. This region includes a variety of habitats  such as coastal , rivers and inland waterbodies. There are a good number of counters in the region who will need supporting and coordinating, as well as opportunity to increase WeBS coverage in the area by identifying and setting up new sectors and attracting new volunteers.

Link to West Glamorgan map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 7

Total number of defined count sectors: 36

Channel Islands

Jersey (inland)

There are currently 16 sites on Jersey (not including coastal sites with are covered by the Jersey (coastal) region), with potential for many more to be set up, but there are currently no counters in the area submitting data. Therefore, Jersey (inland) is in need of an enthusiastic Local Organiser who is committed to kick-start WeBS counting in the region once again! 

Link to Jersey (inland) map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 13

Total number of defined count sectors: 13

Northern Ireland

Belfast Lough (Down/Antrim)

An organiser is needed for the small Belfast Lough (Down/Antrim) region. This region is split into a handful of sites, with good coverage on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland. Therefore, a Local Organiser who knows the area well is needed to support the existing counters and help increase coverage where there are gaps. Knowledge of the local bird species is also favourable for verifying WeBS counts.  

Link to Belfast Lough map of sites

Number of vacant count sectors: 12

Total number of defined count sectors: 35

The next step...

If you'd like to apply to become a Volunteer WeBS Local Organiser please contact the WeBS Office, webs [at], with your name and address plus a few details about yourself and your experience. As some of the regions listed above include many sites, we would be prepared to split a region in certain circumstances - please mention this when you contact us.

Map of WeBS Local Organiser Regions

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