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Sayaan was named after Cuckoo funder Anne Master's new baby cousin. Sayaan is an old Saka name, Saka being the region of Siberia that his mum comes from, and it means “kind, generous and warm like the sun”.

Thursday, May 18, 2023 - 05:00
Tagging Location:
Knepp Estate, Sussex
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Sayaan's journey from 20 May 2023 to 06 January 2024

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Sayaan's movements

23 Oct 2023 - Sayaan nudges south in the Congo

Since our last update Sayaan has flown approximately 100km (62 miles) south-west within the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), taking him over the Lulonga river and deeper into the Congo Basin. He is now in the rainforest between the Lulonga and Salonga rivers, in western DRC. Torc, Joe and George are also in DRC.  

06 Oct 2023 - Sayaan moves south

Sayaan has flown 350km (217 miles) south-west from Chad to Central African Republic (CAR).

He is now 13km north east of the town of N'Délé in CAR.

29 Aug 2023 - Sayaan moves into Sudan

New updates received from Sayaan's tag yesterday morning showed that he had flown 140 km (87 miles) north, taking him from Chad, over the border into Sudan. He is now approximately 26 km (16 miles) west of the town of Garsila in West Darfur.  

27 Jul 2023 - Sayaan has crossed the Sahara

We are pleased to report that Sayaan has made it across the Sahara. New updates from his tag this morning show that he has flown 1,225 km (761 miles) from the Tibesti mountains in southern Libya to his new location in the south-eastern corner of Chad.

He is now in the wetter and greener environs of the Sahel where he will hopefully be able to find plenty of food to help him recover from his long journey.

25 Jul 2023 - Sayaan is crossing the Sahara

Sayaan has left Italy and by Sunday afternoon he had crossed the Mediterranean and reached northern Libya.

By the time of his last transmission just after 19:30 last night (Monday 24 July) he had flown 843 km (524 miles) south through the Libyan Sahara and reached the northern edge of the remote and very inaccessible Tibesti mountain range.

He is close to Bette Peak, the highest mountain in Libya at 2,266 metres (7,434 ft).  

Hopefully when we next hear from him, he will have completed his desert crossing and will be refuelling in the Sahel. 

Past updates from Sayaan

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© British Trust for Ornithology.