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Cuach Torc

Cuach Torc was named by the National Parks and Wildlife Service after a mountain in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Cuach Torc.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 05:00
Tagging Location:
Incheens, Killarney National Park, Ireland
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Cuach Torc's journey from 17 May 2023 to 29 December 2023

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Cuach Torc's movements

04 Dec 2023 - Cuach Torc tours the Congo Basin

A few days ago Cuach Torc flew 260km (160 miles) north-west from his previous location, towards the border between the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

He has since flown a further 135km (84 miles) east, deeper into DRC and is now close to the Busira River approximately 10 miles north-east of the town of Ingende.

06 Oct 2023 - Cuach Torc reaches the Congo

Cuach Torc was the first of our tagged Cuckoos to reach the Congo wintering grounds this year, arriving on 20th September.

Since then has has remained in the same area, deep in the rainforest of Salonga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This is Africa's largest tropical rainforest reserve, at 3,600,000 hectares it is more than half the size of Wales. This area is very isolated and only accessible by boat.

08 Aug 2023 - Cuach Torc moves south in Sudan

Since crossing the Sahara, Cuach Torc has flown 117 km (72 miles) south and is now in the Sahel of Central Darfur.

He is currently on the western edge of the Marrah Mountains, approximately 73 km (45 miles) north-west of the town of Zalingei.   

03 Aug 2023 - Cuach Torc has crossed the Sahara

Over the last few days Cuach Torc has made excellent progress south. By Saturday evening (29 July) he had departed Greece, crossed the Mediterranean and reached northern Libya.

He carried on south and by late on Monday (31 July) he was over the Sahara in eastern Chad.

By early this morning (3 August) he had reached the Marrah Mountains in Darfur, Sudan. He is currently 40 km (25 miles) west of the town of Kutum.

It'll be interesting to see whether Torc remains in the area or continues further south into the Sahel.

30 Jun 2023 - Cuach Torc visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

After about a week on the Adriatic coast close to Ravenna in northern Italy, Cuach Torc has flown 530 km (329 miles) south-east, across the Adriatic Sea.

Having initially made landfall on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, he has since moved further inland into Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He is now nearby the town of Bileca in East Herzegovina, close to the border with Montenegro. Those who have been following the project for a few years will recall that one of our Welsh Cuckoos, David, was a regular visitor to Montenegro on his way south. 

Past updates from Cuach-torc

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© British Trust for Ornithology.