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Cuach Cores

Cuach Cores was named by the National Parks & Wildlife Service after a mountain in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Cuach Cores.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 05:00
Tagging Location:
Incheens, Killarney National Park, Ireland
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Cuach Cores's journey from 17 May 2023 to 06 January 2024

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Cuach Cores's movements

04 Dec 2023 - Cuach Cores moves south in the Congo Basin

Cuach Cores has relocated within the Congo Basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, flying 150km (92 miles) south from an area close to the Tshopo River to his new location close to the Maringa River.

01 Dec 2023 - Cuach Cores moves further into the Congo Basin

Cuach Cores has flown 234km (146 miles) south within the Democratic Republic of the Congo, taking him deeper into the Congo Basin.

He is now approximately 90km south of the town of Bumba and just south of the Tshuapa River.

08 Nov 2023 - Cuach Cores moves into Central African Republic

Over the last few days Cuach Cores has been moving steadily south from his last location in southern Chad.

By early yesterday morning (Tuesday 7 November) he had flown 370km (230 miles) south, taking him over the border into Central African Republic (CAR).

He is now in the western part of the Ouaka prefecture of CAR, 280km north-east of the capital Bangui. 

26 Oct 2023 - Cuach Cores forges west to Chad

Over the last couple of days Cuach Cores has flown 730km (454 miles) east from Nigeria, over northern Cameroon and into southern Chad. 

24 Oct 2023 - Cuach Cores moves into Nigeria

After spending the last week in southern Niger, Cuach Cores has flown 407km (253 miles) south-east into Nigeria.

He is now in the south-western corner of Borno state in north-eastern Nigeria.

Past updates from Cuach-cores

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© British Trust for Ornithology.