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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their migration.

Joe moves into Nigeria

19 Jul 2023

Having had a brief rest after completing his desert crossing, new updates received from Joe's tag this morning show that he has flown 440 km (273 miles) south–east, from Niger and into Nigeria.

He is now a few miles east of Jalam in the Bauchi region in north–east Nigeria. 

Michael reaches the Pyrenees

18 Jul 2023

Michael has flown 287 km (178 miles) south west into the south eastern corner of France. He is just south of the 2,784 m (9,134 ft) mountain, Canigó, in the Pyrenees.

Bluey reaches Africa

17 Jul 2023

Updates received from Bluey's tag over the weekend show that he has flown 545 km (338 miles) south west from southern Spain, taking him across the Mediterranean and into Morocco.

By Saturday evening (15 July) he was close to the town of Midelt, on the high plains between the Middle Atlas and High Atlas Mountains. The latest signals show him 38 km (24 miles) east of Midelt but all of the recent signals have been of low quality so we'll need to await further transmissions to be more confident of his exact location.

Trent has reached Africa

17 Jul 2023
Over the last few days Trent has moved south through Spain, crossed the Mediterranean and arrived in Morocco. Having made landfall in northern Morocco last night (Sunday 16 July) he then moved west then south west and by midnight was close to the Ouergha River, approximately 8 km (5 miles) west of Lake Al Wahda. 

Joe has crossed the Sahara

17 Jul 2023

We are pleased to report that since our last update Joe has completed his crossing of the Sahara, the first of our tagged birds to do so this year.

His journey south across the desert took him just west of the Aïr Mountains of northern Niger. By yesterday afternoon (Sunday 16 July) he had reached southern Niger and was close to the village of Tchadoua. Tchadoua is approximately 38 km (23 miles) east of Niger's second largest city, Maradi. 

He is in the Sahel now where it is the rainy season and he will hopefully find plenty of food to replenish his depleted fat stores.  

Trent visits the Pyrenees

14 Jul 2023

Since our last update Trent has flown 517 km (322 miles) south to the south of France. He is now close to Lake Gaube in the Pyrenees, near the town of Cauterets on the France/Spain border.

Jasper moves south

14 Jul 2023

Over the last couple of days Jasper has moved south and is now in the countryside west of Saint-Julien-du-Sault in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in north-central France.

Michael nudges north

14 Jul 2023

Michael has flown 47 km (30 miles) from his last location and is now in the countryside surrounding Saint-Andéol-de-Berg in the Ardèche department of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southern France.

He is keeping us guessing about whether he will take the easterly route through Italy or the westerly route via Spain! 

Joe is crossing the Sahara

14 Jul 2023

Joe is attempting to cross the Sahara, the first of our tagged birds to take on the desert this year. 

When we last reported on him he was taking a break in Sardinia and new updates received last night (Thursday 13 June) show that he has flown at least 2,270 km (1,410 miles) since.

His journey has taken him across the Mediterranean and by late yesterday afternoon he was flying over Tassili N'Ajjer National Park in south-eastern Algeria. He pressed on and by 6:30 this morning (Friday 14 June) had reached north west Niger.

He seems to have made good progress across the desert so hopefully by the time the next updates arrive he will have successfully completed his Sahara crossing. 

Bluey pushes on to southern Spain

13 Jul 2023
Bluey has flown 343 km (214 miles) south to southern Spain. He is close to the town of Tahal in Andalusia. Last year he stopped approximately 25 miles south-west of his current location but soon pressed on across the Mediterranean and then the Sahara. 


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