Recycle mobile phones, toner & printer cartridges

Help the environment and raise money by recycling.

To recycle phones

Due to Royal Mail's policy changes mobile phones are no longer accepted in freepost bags- mobiles sent in this way may incur a surcharge and therefore will not raise a donation. Please use collection boxes if you wish to send us your mobiles (minimum of 25 items for a free collection). Find out more about recycling mobile phones.

To recycle ink cartridges

To recycle your items for free and raise funds, simply register your details and request envelopes on the following website: Recycle 4 British Trust for Ornithology.
We also have a small supply of envelopes in the office and you can request these by contacting the Fundraising Team on 01842 750050 or by email at fundraising [at] (fundraising)rachel.gostling [at] (

To recycle toner cartridges

ZeroWasteRecycling is the UK's most environmentally friendly printer cartridge recycling service. It is aimed at businesses, using toner cartridges, that want to lower their impact on the environment and increase their Corporate Social Responsibility. Organise a collection here.

Thanks for helping to improve the environment and, through funds raised, enabling BTO to monitor Britain's birds and carry out vital research to inform their conservation. Your support is always appreciated.


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