Mark Grantham

Licensing Officer

Mark is responsible for the day-to-day licensing of ringers and nest recorders, including to disturb Schedule 1 rare breeding birds.

Interests & Responsibilities

Mark is the first port of call for all licensing queries within the Ringing and Nest Recording Team. This includes the licensing of our 3,000 ringers to operate within the law, but also to licence the disturbance of Schedule 1 rare breeding birds by ringers and nest recorders to allow them to be monitored. He also deals with many aspects of the licensing of cannon-netting, 'special methods', production of guidance materials and advising on the BTO's response to HPAI.

Other Information

Mark has been ringing for over 35 years and has been a ringing Trainer since 2003. He was ringer in charge at Gibraltar Point Bird Observatory for many years and has more recently set up West Cornwall Ringing Group, focusing on monitoring seabirds, Barn Owl and wintering warblers at sewage works.


BSc (Hons) Environmental Science, University of East Anglia

Other Publications

Grantham, M.J. 2000. Birds of Alas Purwo National Park, East Java. Kukila 11, pp.97-121.
Grantham, M.J. 2000. A note on the passage of variegatus and phaeopus type Whimbrels through Alas Purwo National Park, East Java. Kukila 11, pp.133-135.
Grantham, M.J. 2000. New and interesting birds from West Sumbawa. Kukila 11, pp.139-141.
Grantham, M.J. 2000. Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel second record for the Lombok Strait. Kukila 11, pp.138-139.
Grantham, M.J. and Kemp, N. 2000. First record of Grey-tailed Tatler in Sumatra. Kukila 11, pp.127-127.
Grantham, M.J. 2000. Record of Hardhead (white-eyed Duck) from Lombok. Kukila 11, pp.137-138.

Bird Observatories of Britain and Ireland (Poyser Monographs) - Mike Archer, Mark Grantham, Peter Howlett & Steven Stansfield