Katharine Bowgen

Research Ecologist

Katharine works as a Research Ecologist analysing quantitative data from a range of projects from Wales and the rest of the UK with a focus on wetland and marine species.

Interests & Responsibilities

Having worked on a range of bird species as a Research Assistant before starting her PhD Katharine then have focused on wading bird populations and their responses to environmental change. Using the skills she has gained from these previous positions she is now based within the BTO Cymru office looking at Welsh bird populations and their conservation but she is also a part of the Wetland and Marine Research group in Thetford. 


2016 PhD, Bournemouth University: ‘Predicting the effect of environmental change on wading birds: insights from individual-based models.’
2007 MSc Wild Animal Biology, The Institute of Zoology, London and The Royal Veterinary College. 
2006 BSc (Hons) Zoology, University of Nottingham.

Recent BTO Publications

Williams, J.M., Scott, S.E., Galbraith, C.A., Martay, B., Macphie, K.H., Hereward, H.F.R., Barton, M.G., Bowgen, K.M., Pearce-Higgins, J.W. & Robinson, R.A. 2023. Climate change and migratory species: a review of impacts, conservation actions, indicators and ecosystem services.. JNCC, Peterborough Link to publication ISBN: 978-0-86139-000-7
Kenobi, K., Read, W., Bowgen, K., Macgregor, C., Taylor, R., Cámaro García, W., Hodges, C., Dennis, P. & Holloway, P. 2023. Lasso Penalisation identifies consistent trends over time in landscape and climate factors influencing the wintering distribution of the Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata). Ecological Informatics View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102244)
Bowgen, K.M., Dodd, S.G., Lindley, P., Burton, N.H.K. & Taylor, R.C. 2022. Curves for Curlew: Identifying Curlew breeding status from GPS tracking data. Ecology and Evolution 12 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9509)
Bowgen, K.M., Kettel, E.F., Butchart, S.H.M., Carr, J.A., Foden, W.B., Magin, G., Morecroft, M.D., Smith, R.K., Stein, B.A., Sutherland, W.G., Thaxter, C.B. & Pearce-Higgins, J.W. 2022. Conservation interventions can benefit species impacted by climate change. Biological Conservation 269 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109524)
Hakkinen, H., Petrovan, S.O., Sutherland, W.J., Dias, M.P., Ameca, E.I., Oppel, S., Ramírez, I., Lawson, B., Lehikoinen, A., Bowgen, K.M., Taylor, N.G. & Pettorelli, N. 2022. Linking climate change vulnerability research and evidence on conservation action effectiveness to safeguard European seabird populations. Journal of Applied Ecology View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14133) 10pp
Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Antãod, L.H., Batese, R.E., Bowgen, K.M., Bradshaw, C.D., Duffield, S.J., Ffoulkes, C., Franco, A.M.A., Geschkek, J., Gregory, R.D., Harley, M.J., Hodgson, J.A., Jenkins, R.L.M., Kapos, V., Maltby, K.M., Watts, O., Willis, S.G., Morecroft, M.D. 2022. A framework for climate change adaptation indicators for the natural environment. Ecological Indicators 136 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.108690) 10pp

Other Publications

Griesser, M., Mourocq, E., Barnaby, J., Bowgen, K. M., Eggers, S., Fletcher, K., Kozma, R., Kurz, F., Laurila, A., Nystrand, M., Sorato, E., Ekman, J. 2017. Experience buffers extrinsic mortality in a group-living bird species. Oikos (doi: 10.1111/oik.04098).

Kentie, R., Bowgen, K. M., Loghry, J. P. 2016. Wading through Literature. Wader Study 123 (3): 255-256.

Cartwright, S. J., Bowgen, K. M., Collop, C, Hyder, K., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Stafford, R, Stillman, R.A., Thorpe, R.B., Sibly, R.M. 2016. Communicating complex ecological models to nonscientist end users. Ecological Modelling 338: 51-59.

Bowgen, K. M., Stillman, R. A., Herbert, R. J. H. (2015) Predicting the effect of invertebrate regime shifts on wading birds: Insights from Poole Harbour, UK. Biological Conservation 186: 60-68.

Liu, Y., Webber, S., Bowgen, K., Schmaltz, L., Bradley, K., Halvarsson, P., Abdelgadir, M. & Griesser, M. 2013. Environmental factors influence both abundance and genetic diversity in a widespread bird species. Ecology and Evolution 3 (14), 4683-4695.

Griesser M., Ma Q., Webber S., Bowgen K., Sumpter DJT. 2011. Understanding animal groupsize distributions PLoS ONE 6 (8): e23438.

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