Amy Challis

Scottish Raptor Monitoring Coordinator

Amy works on behalf of the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme (SRMS). The SRMS is a partnership of eight organisations, each of which plays a key role in Scottish ornithology, notably with expertise in undertaking and reporting on scientifically rigorous monitoring of birds of prey. She is hosted by BTO Scotland. Amy works on behalf of the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme (SRMS)

Interests & Responsibilities

  • Coordinating raptor population monitoring in Scotland for the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme (SRMS), in partnership with members of the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Group (SRMG), and other individuals and organisations with an interest in raptors.
  • Ensuring the smooth and timely delivery of annual SRMS data collation.
  • Ensuring the secure storage and efficient flow of SRMS data.
  • Organising and undertaking production of the SRMS report, with the support of editors from the SRMG, and any other annual outputs.
  • Ensuring high standards of field data collection and collation, leading to robust scientific outputs from the SRMS.
  • Acting as the main point of contact for all raptor monitoring volunteers and organisations with an interest in raptors in Scotland, keeping them motivated to support the SRMS and updated on SRMS activities and outputs.
  • Increase levels of participation in raptor monitoring in Scotland, by promoting the SRMS to suitable audiences through a range of media and attendance at appropriate events.
  • Ensuring the SRMS has a high profile amongst its partners and ‘customers’ (data users, conservationists, policy makers, stakeholders) by promoting the Scheme and its outputs widely.
  • Ensuring SRMS web pages are fit for purpose and updated regularly.
  • Contributing to the continuing enhancement of the SRMS, to increase its coverage, effectiveness and operational efficiency.
  • Acting as Secretary for the SRMG.


BSc (Hons) Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2000-2003
PhD “The restoration of intertidal habitats for non-breeding waterbirds through breached managed realignment”, University of Stirling, 2003-2007

Recent BTO Publications

Challis A., Edwards C., Heavisides A., Holling M., Kortland K., Mattingley W., Riddle G., Roos S., Stevenson A., Stirling-Aird P.K., Stroud D.A., Wernham C.V., Wilson M.W. 2019. The Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme: recent developments in good practice monitoring. Bird Study View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2018.1477737)

Other Publications

Challis, A., Wilson, M.W., Schönberg, N., Eaton, M.A., Stevenson, A. & Stirling-Aird, P. (2020). Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report 2019. BTO Scotland, Stirling.

Challis A., Edwards C., Heavisides A., Holling M., Kortland K., Mattingley W., Riddle G., Roos S., Stevenson A., Stirling-Aird P.K., Stroud D.A., Wernham C.V., Wilson M.W. 2019. The Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme: recent developments in good practice monitoring. Bird Study View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2018.1477737)

Challis, A., Eaton, M., Wilson, M.W., Holling, M., Stevenson, A. & Stirling-Aird, P. (2019). Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report 2018. BTO Scotland, Stirling.

Challis, A., Wilson, M.W., Holling, M., Roos, S., Stevenson, A. & Stirling-Aird, P. (2018). Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report 2017. BTO Scotland, Stirling.

Challis, A., Wilson, M.W., Holling, M., Roos, S., Stevenson, A. & Stirling-Aird, P. 2016. Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report 2015. BTO Scotland, Stirling.

Challis, A., Wilson, M.W., Holling, M., Roos, S., Stevenson, A. & Stirling-Aird, P.  2015. Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report 2014. BTO Scotland, Stirling. 

Challis, A., Holling, M., Stevenson, A., Roos, S., Stirling-Aird, P. & Wilson, M.W. 2014. Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report 2013. BTO Scotland, Stirling.