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All publications for Liz Humphreys

Davies, J.G., Humphreys, E.M., Evans, T., Howells, R., O’Hara-Murray, R. & Pearce-Higgins, J.W. 2023. Seabird abundances projected to decline in response to climate change in Britain and Ireland. Marine Ecology Progress Series View at journal website (DOI: 10.3354/meps14462)
Johnston, D.T., Thaxter, C.B., Boersch-Supan, P.H., Davies, J.G., Clewley, G.D., Green, R.M.W., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Cook, A.S.C.P., Burton, N.H.K. & Humphreys, E.M. 2023. Flight heights obtained from GPS versus altimeters influence estimates of collision risk with offshore wind turbines in Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus. Movement Ecology 11 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1186/s40462-023-00431-z)
O’Hanlon, N.J., Johnston, D.T., Cook, A.S.C.P., Robinson, R.A. & Humphreys, E.M. 2023. A crowded ocean: the need for demographic and movement data in seabird conservation. Ocean and Coastal Management 244 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106833)
Pearce-Higgins, J.W., Humphreys, E.M., Burton, N.H.K., Atkinson, P.W., Pollock, C., Clewley, G.D., Johnston, D.T., O’Hanlon, N.J., Balmer, D.E., Frost, T.M., Harris S.J. & Baker, H. 2023. Highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds in the United Kingdom in 2022: impacts, planning for future outbreaks, and conservation and research priorities.. Research Report no. 752. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford ISBN: 978-1-912642-47-2 92pp Download Report (PDF)
Clewley, G.D., Cook, A.S.C.P., Davies, J.G., Humphreys, E.M., O’Hanlon, N.J., Weston, E., Boulinier, T. & Ponchon, A 2022. Acute impacts from Teflon harnesses used to fit bio-logging devices to Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Ringing & Migration View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/03078698.2022.2151065)
Jarrett, D., Calladine, J., Cook, A.S.C.P., Upton, A., Williams, J.,Williams, S., Wilson, J.M., Wilson, M.W., Woodward, I. & Humphreys, E.M. 2022. Behavioural responses of non-breeding waterbirds to marine traffic in the near-shore environment. Bird Study View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2022.2113855)
Gauld, J.G., Silva, J.P., Atkinson, P.W., Record, P., Acácio, M., Arkumarev, V., Blas, J., Bouten, W., Burton, N., Catry, I., Champagnon, J., Clewley, G.D., Dagys, M., Duriez, O., Exo, M., Fiedler, W., Flack, A., Friedemann, G., Fritz, J., Garcia-Ripolles, C., Garthe, S., Giunchi, D., Grozdanov, A., Harel, R., Humphreys, E.M., Janssen, R., Kölzsch, A., Kulikova, O., Lameris, T.K., López-López, P., Masden, E.A., Monti, F., Nathan, R., Nikolov, S., Oppel, S., Peshev, H., Phipps, L., Pokrovsky, I., Ross-Smith, V.H., Saravia, V., Scragg, E.S., Sforzi, A., Stoynov, E., Thaxter, C., Van Steelant, W., van Toor, M., Vorneweg, B., Waldenström, J., Wikelski, M., Žydelis, R. & Franco, A.M.A. 2022. Hotspots in the grid: avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and north Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14160) 17pp
Johnston, D.T., Thaxter, C.B., Boersch-Supan, P.H., Humphreys, L., Bouten, W., Clewley, G.D., Scragg, E.S., Masden, E.A., Barber, L.J., Conway, G., Clark, N.A., Burton, N.H.K & Cook, A.S.C.P. 2022. Investigating avoidance and attraction responses in Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus to offshore wind farms. Marine Ecology Progress Series 686 View at journal website (DOI: 10.3354/meps13964)
Clewley, G.D., Thaxter, C.B., Humphreys, E.M., Scragg, E.S., Bowgen, K.M., Bouten, W., Masden, E.A. & Burton, N.H.K. 2021. Assessing movements of Lesser Black-backed Gulls using GPS tracking devices in relation to the Walney Extension and Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farms. Research Report no. 738. ISBN: 978-1-912642-27-4 Download Report (PDF)
Humphreys, E.M., Austin, G.E., Frost, T.M., Mellan, H.J., Boersch-Supan, P., Burton, N.H.K., Balmer, D.E. 2021. Wader populations on the UK’s open coast: results of the 2015/16 Non-Estuarine Waterbird Survey (NEWS-III) and a review of population trends. Bird Study 67 : 371-384 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2021.1884184) 14pp
Jarrett, D., Calladine, J., Cotton, A., Wilson, M.W. & Humphreys, E. 2020. Behavioural responses of non-breeding waterbirds to drone approach are associated with flock size and habitat. Bird Study View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2020.1808587) 7pp
Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Robinson, R.A. & Burton, N.H.K. 2019. Review of the potential of seabird colony monitoring to inform monitoring programmes for consented offshore wind farm projects. Research Report no. 712. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk ISBN: 978-1-912642-07-6 163pp Download Report (PDF)
Horswill C., Humphreys E.M., Robinson R.A. 2018. When is enough enough? Effective sampling protocols for estimating the survival rates of seabirds with mark-recapture techniques. Bird Study View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2018.1516191)
Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Bennet, F., Masden, E.A. & Burton, N.H.K. 2018. Quantifying avian avoidance of offshore wind turbines: Current evidence and key knowledge gaps. Marine Environmental Research 140 : 278-288 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.06.017) 11pp
Calladine, J., Humphreys, E.M., Gilbert, L., Furness, R.W., Robinson, R.A., Fuller, R.J., Littlewood, N.A., Pakeman, R.J., Ferguson, J. & Thompson, C. 2017. Continuing influences of introduced hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus as a predator of wader (Charadrii) eggs four decades after their release on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Biological Invasions 19 : 1 981-1 987 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10530-017-1422-4)
Kathryn E Ross, Niall H K Burton, Dawn E Balmer, Elizabeth M Humphreys, Graham E Austin, Beth Goddard, Helena Schindler-Dite and Mark M Rehfisch 2016. Urban Breeding Gull Surveys: A Review of Methods and Options for Survey Design. Research Report no. 680. ISBN: 978-1-908581-70-9 58pp Download Report (PDF)
Calladine, J., Humphreys, E.M. & Boyle, J. 2015. Changes in breeding wader populations of the Uist machair between 1983 and 2014. Scottish Birds 35 (part 3) : 207-215
Elizabeth M. Humphreys, Aonghais S.C.P. Cook and Niall H.K. Burton 2015. Collision, Displacement and Barrier - Effect Concept Note. Research Report no. 669. 37pp Download Report (PDF)
Johnston, A., Thaxter, C.B., Austin, G.E., Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Still, D.A., Mackay, A., Irvine, R., Webb, A. & Burton, N.H.K. 2015. Modelling the abundance and distribution of marine birds accounting for uncertain species identification. Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (part 1) : 150-160 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12364)
Calladine, J., Pakeman, R.J., Humphreys, E., Huband, S. & Fuller, R.J. 2014. Changes in breeding wader assemblages, vegetation and land use within machair environments over three decades. Bird Study 61 (part 3) : 287-300 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2014.917604)
Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Masden, E.A., Band, W. & Burton, N.H.K. 2014. The avoidance rates of collision between birds and offshore turbines. Research Report no. 656. Link to publication
Johnston, A., Cook, A.S.C.P., Wright, L.J., Humphreys, E.M. & Burton, N.H.K. 2014. Modelling flight heights of marine birds to more accurately assess collision risk with offshore wind turbines. Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (part 1) : 31-41 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12191)
Burton, N.H.K., Thaxter, C.B., Cook, A.S.C.P., Austin, G.E., Humphreys, E.M., Johnston, A., Still D.A. & Wright, L.J. 2013. Ornithology Technical Report for the Proposed Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Projects. Research Report no. 643. Link to publication
Calladine, J., Garner, G. & Humphreys, L. 2013. A sample survey of the breeding birds at woodland expansion sites of the Scottish Forest Alliance in 2007. Research Report no. 493. ISBN: 978-1-908581-19-8 48pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Elizabeth Humphreys, Paul Kirkland and Dan Chamberlain BTO, Butterfly Conservation) 2013. The Biodiversity in Glasgow (BIG) Project. Research Report no. 603. ISBN: 978-1-908581-14-3 57pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Burton, N.H.K., Austin, G.E., Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Johnston, A., Morrison, C.A., Thaxter, C.B. & Wright, L.J. 2012. Ornithological Technical Report for the Proposed Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm Projects.. Research Report no. 630. Link to publication
Toms, M., Humphreys, L. & Wernham, C. 2011. Developing our Understanding of Biodiversity in Scotland's Gardens: the Role of the BTO's Garden Birdwatch. Book title: The Changing Nature of Scotland TSO Scotland, Edinburgh : 479-484 ISBN: 9.78E+12
Banks, A.N., Crick, H.Q.P., Coombes, R., Benn, S., Ratcliffe, D.A. & Humphreys, E.M. 2010. The breeding status of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in the UK and Isle of Man in 2002. Bird Study 57 : 421-436 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2010.511148)
Fuller, R.J., Humphreys, E.M., Wilson, J.D., Hoccom, D. & Calladine, J. 2010. Changes in the breeding wader populations of the machair of the Western Isles, Scotland, between 2000 and 2007. Bird Study 57 : 121-124 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063650903196893)
Toms, M., Humphreys, L. & Wernham, C. 2010. Engaging with biodiversity in Scotland's gardens: the role of the BTO's Garden BirdWatch. Book title: Proceedings of The Changing Nature of Scotland Conference, Perth, September 2009 Scottish Natural Heritage
Calladine, J., Humphreys, E.M., Strachan, F. & Jardine, D.C. 2009. Forestry thinning in commercial conifer plantations has little effect on bird species richness and breeding abundance. Bird Study 56 : 137-141 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063650802681698)
Hamer, K.C., Humphreys, E.M., Magalhães, M.C., Garthe, S., Hennicke, J., Peters, G., Grémillet, D., Skov, H. & Wanless S. 2009. Fine-scale foraging behaviour of a medium-ranging marine predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 78 : 880-889 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01549.x)
Humphreys, L., Wernham, C. & Crick, H. 2009. Raptor species conservation frameworks: The Peregrine Conservation Framework Project. Progress report - phase 1. Research Report no. 535. ISBN: 978-1-906204-60-0 71pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
Newson, S.E., Mitchell, P.I., Parsons, M., O'Brian, S.H., Austin, G.E., Benn, S., Black, J., Blackburn, J., Brodie, B., Humphreys, E., Leech, D., Prior, M. & Webster, M. 2008. Population decline of Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa within the largest colony in Britain and Ireland. Seabird 21 : 77-84 Link to publication
Skov, H., Humphreys, E., Garthe, S., Geitner, K., Gr 2008. Application of habitat suitability modelling to tracking data of marine animals as a means of analyzing their feeding habitats. Ecological Modelling 212 : 504-512 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.11.006)
Calladine, J., Humphreys, L. & McPhie, F. 2007. The effects of thinning in commercial conifer plantations on breeding bird abundance and diversity in the north of Scotland. Research Report no. 459. ISBN: 1-904870-95-3 35pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
Hamer, K.C., Humphreys, E.M., Garthe, S., Hennicke, S.J., Peters, G., Gr 2007. Annual variation in diets, feeding locations and foraging behaviour of gannets in the North Sea: flexibility, consistency and constraint. Marine Ecology Progress Series 338 : 295-305 View at journal website (DOI: doi:10.3354/meps338295)
Humphreys, E.M., Wanless, S. & Bryant, D.M. 2007. Elevated metabolic costs while resting on water in a surface feeder: the Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Ibis 149 : 106-111 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2006.00618.x)
Enstipp, M.R., Daunt, F., Wanless, S., Humphreys, E.M., Hamer, K.C., Benvenuti, S. & Gr 2006. Foraging energetics of North Sea birds confronted with fluctuating prey availability. Book title: Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge View at journal website (DOI: 10.2277/052161256X) ISBN: 9.78E+12
Hamer, K.C., Lewis, S., Wanless, S., Phillips, R.A., Sherratt, T.N., Humphreys, E.M., Hennicke, J. & Garthe, S. 2006. Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in the NE Atlantic Ocean: colony size, diet and foraging behaviour. Book title: Top predators in marine ecosystems: their role in monitoring and management Cambridge University Press, Cambridge View at journal website (DOI: 10.2277/052161256x) ISBN: 9.78E+12
Humphreys, E.M., Wanless, S. & Bryant, D.M. 2006. Stage-dependent foraging in breeding black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla: distinguishing behavioural responses to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Journal of Avian Biology 37 : 436-446 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.2006.0908-8857.03594.x)